GP4: Editors & Tools

GP4 Editors, Tools & Utilities

Essential Tools

Title & Author 



by Carl_gpgames, Zaz, Öggo

GP4 Memory Access allows you to directly access and edit the game's memory. It allows you to inject new code (DLL's) as well as full compatibility with GPxPatch and GP4 Tweaker.

You can save, organize, edit, import and export all kinds of patches and tweaks. GP4 Memory Access does not make any changes to your files (such as gp4.exe). Whatever it does, it only does in memory. This means no more fiddling with a corrupt gp4.exe.

GP4 Memory Access might change the way and philosophy you have used to modify GP4 so far. However, it provides full support for known formats (e.g. g3p from Physics Editor or patch.ini from CSM). | Info

See also Öggo's library for Individual meshes and Hi res Pitcrews here:
Öggo's Dev Corner


Zaz Tools
by Zaz 

Includes CSM 1.27c (updated Jan 24), TSM, Slimtex and Easywad | Advanced Docs Download 


GPxPatch 4.52 
by SDI Game Utilities 

GPxPatch is a real-time extension for GP3, GP3-2000, and GP4 that includes features like official tv-style information, detailed on-screen race information, a track manager, a carset manager, extended save games, 3D sound, event sounds, internet play, taking screenshots, and more. 


GP4 Tweaker
by Madman  

GP4 Tweaker Cumulative Update 1 


Wad Controller 1.1
by Duffer  
With Wad Controller you can tweak all files in your wad files. 



GP4 Links Manager
by Duffer






Modding Tools

Title & Author  



GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender v2.3 updated February 2025
by Öggo  
Blender Plugins for .gp4 format, pit crews and props and animations. It is now compatible with Blender v 4.1



Individual Meshes and Textures DLL v1.4 updated February 2025
by Öggo  
This DLL expands original GP4 to allow ull control of how meshes (front/rear wheels, helmets, cockpits, cars), collision meshes, and textures (cockpits, helmets) are loaded, supporting per-driver, per-team, and per-track custom loading. It includes features to manage LODs (Level of Detail), auto-naming conventions, and fallbacks to default GP4 assets when custom assets are unavailable.

This DLL enables, for the first time ever, the possibility of having individual cockpits, as this was not possible in native GP4.

Since version 1.2, it is also now possible to have individual collision mesh files, instead of a single generic one for all cars.

Version 1.3 introduces the possibility to use GP4's native Visor Shader (the one used for helmet Visor objects and car z_cockpit_visor objects) for cockpit meshes, basically allowing to have a proper "glass" windshield in cockpit view.

Added in version 1.4, this DLL now seamlessly fix the reversed tyre tread bug when using 3D rims.

***Requires either GP4 Memory Access or CSM to run ***



Hi-res Pitcrews DLL v1.0 
by Öggo  
A DLL to overcome the original limitation of 400 vertices for pitcrew meshes in Grand Prix 4, allowing high resolution pitcrew meshes to be used.

***Requires either GP4 Memory Access or CSM to run ***



GP4Builder 2017B
by Lo2k  

GP4Builder 2017B is the latest tool revision to edit Grand Prix 4 game 3D objects.

From tiny objects like helmets to complete new tracks, you can rebuild everything with this tool and preview all the changes in realtime.  


Zmodeler 1.07B (with additional filters)
by Zanoza 

Modeler compatible with GP4 filetypes  


Editing Tools

Title & Author   



Background Sound Converter  v2.0
by Gilles Salerno   

Menu Sound Converter (also works for GP3) | Info 


Belini gp4 career v1.1
by belini   


CAP Converter 1.0
by Öggo    
Here's a little tool developed to convert CSM CAP files to INI files and viceversa.



CMagic 4
by Marc Aarts   

To put magic data into track files   


Collision Mesh Editor 1.0
by Öggo  
With this tool, you'll be able to edit the points the game uses to detect car collisions with other objects (other cars or static objects). The editor also allow the end user to import a *.gp4 car mesh and attempt an automatic calculation of the collision points. In the original Collison Mesh file, the points are located in the vicinity of the centre of the respective object bounding box. The automatic calculation attempts to recreate the same situation. The calculation will get the collision points in the vicinity of where they should be and is in no way meant to provide a perfect end result as far as collisions, that will need to be verified in-game for better results.



GP4 Failure Editor v1.3
by  Alessandro Carrera 



FFB Power 1.1
by  Lo2k 

A small tool to tweak the Force Feedback power of your steering wheel up to 127% (instead of 100% through game menu).  



by petrus  

GP4 GPaediaMaker is a tool to help you create gpaedia gps files and menu str files for GP4 with up-to-date season data.
Input english data comfortably into three data sheets (driver, team, track) of your favourite calculation program.
Using constant files and some language specific files the program builds gps files and str files according to your settings in the "gpaedia.ini" configuration file. Standard gpaedia format is like the original but with userformat files you can change that to your liking.
There is support for
- Translation into other languages (Deutsch, espanol, Francais, italiano)
- Building trackspecific gps files in a CSM mod
- Team selection in a CSM mod

- Track selection in a CSM mod | Info 


GPF Editor
by Öggo


Enables hi-res menu fonts | Info 


GPH Updater
by petrus


Enables hi-res menu items | Info 


GPI Browser 1.2

by Lo2k  

GPI Browser is born in december 2002 when Jon Walton and me decided to find GP4 menu images. We finally found them and Jon was able to afford a first editing possibility through Carset Creator but I never managed how to export/import tga files to replace the files and GPI Browser left aside.

Thanks to better knowledge and to other works around file formats, I discovered I was finally able to complete that tool and here it is. 


Individual H&W Tweaker 1.1
by Duffer & Öggo 
For Non CSM User, you can enjoy the discovery of Öggo, for the use of several shapes of helmet and wheels 



Jam Editor 0.52b
by Mal Ross  
Note that this tool also opens .jip files.



LCD Font Color 2.1
by Duffer & Öggo  
LCD Color Font allows to modify some things on the steering wheel



GP4 Master
by  Jon Walton and Sven Mitlehner
The original editor for GP4


GP4 Physics Editor 
by Aubrey Windle 



GP4 Physics & Performance Calculator
by Carl_gpgames 




GP4 Pit & Lap Editor 1.2
by Alessandro Carrera 


An utility to edit GP4 pistop strategies.  


Records Editor 1.0
by Lo2k    


- Edit records stored by the game that can't be edited in the .gps files.
- Load and save .rec files created from the game.


GP4 Renamer
by Öggo    

Quick renaming tool for lods creation (particularly if working with 3ds files)


GP4 Rewards v1.6
by Lo2k, Shutt1e    


This tool has been built to change Championship points to match any point system. 


- edit points rewards for every 22 cars
- compliant with GP4 original and GP4 1.02.
- 4 presets for main point systems
- change some menu length to display more results
- load/save your new point systems 

The new 1.6 version brings opportunity to change 2 other menus lengths : Constructors Race Points List and Championship Leaders list (Thanks Shutt1e)


Sample Editor 1.6
by Lo2k  

Edit sounds saved in .bnk files  


Season Result Tools
by petrus  

This archive contains two tools made to revive the possibility of printing result files of a GP4 racing season. They are running under Windows, no installation needed.

seasonresult - this is for a championship season. It merges two seasons results files, if more than 17 races are used. It gets the missing data for race 17 from the corresponding full race result file and uses the team names given here. You can test it with the included 2015 season example files. For a detailed description read "seasonresult-readme.txt" in the seasonresult folder of the archive.

gp4results - this is for results of non-championship races. Using a full race result file for every race, one can build an own championship without the limitations of the championship season mode. This program reads the race result files and generates seasons results, driver championship and constructor championship output. 

You can test it with the included example files given in subfolder 2001. For a detailed description read "gp4result-readme.txt" in the gp4results folder of the archive.  


Setup Editor
by Zaz  

Very old but still useful tool by ZaZ to edit setups outside the game.  


GP4 Sound
by Jon Walton  



Starting Light editor 1.0
by Patrick C  

It can be used to set custom starting light position for new tracks.

PS: Tool is given "as is" so be sure to make backups before all. 


Team Editor 3.5
by Lo2k   

TeamEditor is an all-in-one editing tool.

It is the result of the fusion of CamEditor (Cameras editing), TyrePos & TyreSet (Tyres), TeamEditor (Performances), LiveryEditor (Team Management) and On the Gridline (Performances calculator) and goes further in Team editing and management for GP4.   


GP4 Torque Editor 3.5
by Patrick Cloosterman

Torque Editor for GP4. 


Helpful Utilities, Tweaks and Patches

Title & Author    Description   


Car Physics Missing weight Value Cap
by Prblanco  

A common bug in recent F1 mods is that cc-cars completely miss the braking point at slower corners (think Monza first chicane), failing to compensate for the extra weight of modern cars. Why that happened remained a mystery, until...I noticed the car weight is stored three times in the GP4.exe, but Physics Editor 1.03 only updates two of them. The third one seems to be linked to braking calculations, and updating it seems to fix the issue. I've made some .cap files (for use with CSM mods, paste in Patch folder) with values for the last few F1 seasons, ready to use, in the link below. These files do not affect and are not influenced by the weight in the .g3p physics file, so you still need those as well. | Info 


GP4 D3D8dll Zfighting Stencil Buffer Fix
by gplaps  

Fix for distant flickering | Info |  Video  


No Refueling Animation
by 32bobo32

(used in conjunction with)

No Refueling Patch
by Prblanco

This patches the animations to remove the refueller without CTDs | Info 

This enables all cars to start the race with full fuel loads | Info 

GP4 Fun
by Sergio Poletti

VR Headsets & AI Commentary. 

GP4 Fun is a Grand Prix 4 add-on that allows to play GP4 using last generation Virtual Reality headsets and to listen a voice commentary about race context of current player and his competitors, including overtakings, distances between drivers, realtime placements and championship ranking informations.

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